Student Recognition

Nicolle Rodriguez Estupiñan
September 2022
Hi! I'm Nicolle. I'm from Colombia, and I'm seventeen years old.
I love listening to music and my favorite band is One Direction. In my free time, I play tennis and read books. Mystery books are my favorite. In the future, I want to study civil engineering because I have an interest in mathematics and physics.

Sofia Leiva
August 2022
Hi! My name is Sofia Leiva, a 17-year-old girl from Guatemala, a country in Central America.
Something about me is that I love nature, it is my safe place. If I had the opportunity, I would live all my life near the ocean or in the forest, for this reason I’m also very interested in science, such as biology or Physics.
of my biggest dreams is to get into a good university of U.S. to study biotechnology, it is one of my reasons why I joined Dual Diploma, a decision I will never regret.
I'm so grateful to be part of Dual and be the Outstanding Student of this month!

Maria Jose Amor
July 2022
Hello, my name is Maria Jose Amor and I’m a fourteen-year-old Argentinian girl. I enjoy reading sci-fi novels, dancing Ballet, going out with friends, and listening to music are some of my favorite hobbies. Science and economy are my favorite subjects and I hope to get a job related to any of them when I grow up.
I’ve been enrolled in the Dual Diploma program for two years, and it has been one of the most incredible experiences I’ve lived through. The classes I’m part of are hugely interesting, and I am proud to admit I have improved my language and theoretical skills thanks to the program. I also get to study amongst other internationally selected students as eager to learn as myself.

Justo Juan Salcedo Otero
June 2022
Hi, I am Justo Juan Salcedo, and I am a 15-year-old Spanish. I love sailing and science, especially quantum physics. I would really love to have a degree in physics and math. I'm a huge fan of Sail GP (an amazing sailing competition), and I also love reading and playing board games with my friends.
I'm in my first year of the Dual Diploma Program and to this day the experience has been fascinating. I want to thank the organizers and the teachers for this job.

Lucia Moretti
May 2022
My name is Lucia Moretti, and I'm 18 years old. I currently live in Verona, which some of you may know as the city of Romeo and Juliet, in the region of Veneto. I'm attending the fifth year at "Liceo Ginnasio Scipione Maffei," where I specifically chose the "linguistic" option, which focuses on foreign languages. I study English, German and Spanish alongside the mandatory subjects. I'm a very active person, I love hiking, and I train in the gym by lifting weights four times a week.
This is my third and final year in the Dual Diploma Program, and I think I can say that I was able to see myself grow and improve thanks to this program. My confidence has increased without doubt, and I have developed both hard and soft skills that will help me in the future. I worked hard throughout this whole process but especially during this last year, I had to plan a lot as I had a busy schedule with my Italian school.
Being still unsure about my future and long-term goals, attending this school has helped me see that I can do anything if I put my head to it, and I hope that being awarded this honor will give me even more trust in myself and enthusiasm to find my purpose.

Lou Labeaume
April 2022
Hello, my name is Lou! I’m a 15-year-old French student and it’s my first year in the Dual Diploma Program. I have a big family, with lot of brothers and sisters and also lot of pets. I’m crazy about horse-riding, skiing, passing times with my friends, traveling around the world, and listening to music. At school, I’m fond of economics and social sciences, math, and geography. For my elective, I’ve chosen criminology and I am finding this course amazing and very instructive! We learn about the job of criminologist and lot of aspects of American’ law. Of course, I love to speak English, which is why I am participating in the Dual Diploma program. I hope to one day study in the United States of America and maybe one day live there. I’m really touched and happy to be the student of the April’ month.

Maria Dolores Arnal Casanova
March 2022
Hi! My name is Maria Dolores Arnal Casanova, but everyone calls me Lola. I am fourteen years old, and I was born and raised in the north of Spain. During my free time, I love to listen to music, hang out with my family and friends, play videogames and read. I also love sports of all kinds, but I specially love sailing. Alongside my mom and my dad, we participate on regattas and race against other boats. We are the dream team, and I love sailing with them because we get to spend more time with each other and bond even more. This is my second year in the Dual Diploma Program, and honestly, I am so happy to be part of it! When my school offered us to join the Dual Diploma Program, I knew right away I had to do it. I would love to travel to the United States someday and I also love the English language. This program has opened a lot of new opportunities to me and expanded my horizon to new limits, and I am so grateful for it. I also want to thank my teacher Natasha for choosing me as the student of the month, I am incredibly thankful for it.

Sergio Poza
February 2022
Hello I'm Sergio Poza! I am 14 years old, and I live in Spain. My favorite show is La Que Se Avecina. I love playing football with my friends. If I had to choose a hobby it would be skiing. Not only is football part of my life, but I also play Padel. This is my very first year at Dual and I’m so grateful to have given this opportunity. If I had to choose what my favorite part of Dual Diploma is, it is clearly Burlington. To me, Burlington is a great way to practice my pronunciation and receive immediate feedback if I do it right. My goal is to be a firefighter someday and help those in need. I’ve always been interested in being part of something that rescues or helps people.

Ana Sofia Duque Viaje
January 2022
I am Ana Sofía Duque Viaje, a 14-year-old girl from eastern Venezuela who is currently
in her first semester in the Dual Diploma program. From first to eighth grade (elementary and
middle school), I studied at the International School of Monagas. I am currently studying at a local
private high school. Fortunately, this program gives me opportunities to gain more experiences in
a foreign educational system in addition to what my current high school provides. So far, my
experience in this program has been absolutely excellent; I adore how the system is so organized
and easy to understand. As well, the content and courses are very fascinating, eye-catching, and
full of valuable information that can be useful for now and later on in life. What I like about the
live sessions is that not only can we communicate directly with our teacher and classmates, but we
can also actively participate and share ideas with everyone. Definitely, I feel that the Dual Diploma
program is an excellent way to learn new things with very significant courses for our development
as students to open the doors of the world to us.